2020 Season

Ajay Sethi — Addressing misinformation one conversation at a time

July 27, 2020

Perhaps we have all noticed that in recent years many previously innocuous subjects, even ones related to protecting health, have become hot button topics. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ajay Sethi teaches the popular course, Conspiracies in Public Health, to health professions and public health students. The goal of the class is to build skills in having conversations with people whose opinions might differ from their own. He explores the origins and adoption of misinformation and important ingredients in such conversations.

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Gavin Lawrence & Melisa Pereyra — Flipping the Script: The Role We Play

August 24, 2020

In conversations about race, people of color in communities all over the country are being asked to identify, dissect, and propose solutions to the questions white communities are unable to answer. In the River Valley, Melisa Pereyra and Gavin Lawrence, Core company actors at American Players Theatre, are often called upon to do just that. At first glance, this event represents an example of that sentiment. 

However, this evening we are going to flip the script. Melisa and Gavin will share their autobiographical stories and then lead a conversation where the attendees will be answering questions about the roles they may play in either perpetuating systemic racism in our community or dismantling i

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